Night Paintball – Playing Paintball in the Dark

Paintball Game doesn’t stop after the sun falls. Ever since the initial days of the overall game, players took to the field at night for fighting with the opponent team, sneaking and firing on their enemy in the dark shadows. An increasing number of weekend long paintball big games and scenarios are showing up across the world, and nights paintball gaming is a common area in most of the event. Playing of paintball games at night has its own parts of challenges but victory could be yours with just a little preparation and safety.

Night Paintball

What Type of Lighting Is Used On the Paintball Field

The light of a complete moon could be enough light to perform at most of the times, but most areas hosting a night time paintball game used generator-driven floodlights on towers to illuminate the paintball fields. Observe where these light sources can be found and move to that places during the game, because they will be a primary element in your strategy.

Night paintball

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What Type of Clothing Is Used In the Paintball Field

Resist the desire to clothe themselves in all black when you are in paintball field. It appears apparent that you’d decorate such as a ninja, right? Wearing all black or dark outfits can in fact make you stick out more! You will simply appear to be a black lump in a dark shadow. Continue steadily to wear the same camo you’ll through the full day, and pay extra focus on which direction light is coming in the paintball field. If it is from the left, then simply play to the proper of cover which means you stay static in its shadow. In the event that you stand out from the left, your outline will get highlighted.

Following the Shadow Technique in the Paintball Field

Focus on your own shadow, this movement can provide your situation away just as convenient. Stay low as much as possible to cover, where shadows are the darkest usually. If a bright source of light is behind you, it’ll be glaring in your opponents eyes then, so use that in your favor.

Cover Extra Illuminating Things in the Paintball Field

Almost all the night game tournaments require glow-sticks or various other illuminated things on you or your marker. So even, if your electric marker or loader comes with an LCD, LED, or OLED display screen, you shall need to cover it. No sense having any longer light than necessary!

Type of Flashlight Use in the Paintball Field

Will have at least one torch on your own person for safe practices when playing paintball at night. If you enter tough terrain, drop something, or have a crisis situation then having an excellent flashlight can be quite a life saver.

Another flashlight with a red filter is convenient to have, as the red light won’t give your situation away as easily or dazzle your vision if you want somewhat of light to see what your location is going. Many evening players prefer to mount a torch onto the rails of their paintball gun, with a pressure switch to permit fast activation usually. These lights are incredibly useful. They allow fast access to light when required, they could be flashed to dazzle and ‘night blind’ a great opponent’s eyesight, and lighten up your barrel go over when you are walking away, so others can inform you’re eliminated.

Playing Paintball in the Dark

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Dirty Blinding Technique You Can Use For Opponent Team Players in the Paintball Field

Talking about blinding your opponents, one dirty technique for playing during the night is to carry an inexpensive video camera with a flash. If you are having shot at and have to rush a position, you possess it out at your arms and fire off the flash. This could have them blinking and finding spots for a complete minute, which let you time to go!

Another dirty technique is that you truly have a teammate get behind, go over a brief distance away and hold on a torch, shining it at the additional team. People in a natural way fire immediately at a light shining on the paintball field that they know is normally is coming via an opponent team member. While they will be distracted by that, you and others could make your move up field.

Use of Sound for Beating Opponent Team in the Paintball Field

Focus on sound as well as sight! Anything squeaking or rattling will give you away at night. Prior to your going in the field of paintball game, have a minute to visit along with team players, and plan your crouching things and other things you want to mark in the field. Listen for just about any loud noises and look for what’s creating it.
Sometimes you may want to space things more aside, or maneuver them to a pocket, or leave behind simply. On the field, await other firing or loud distractions before stepping forward. Understand that a complete pod or hopper produces less noise when compared to a partial one.

Use a Slow Pace Game in the Paintball Field

Plan a slower rate of play during the night. You won’t manage to run through terrain as if you perform in the daytime. Because you can’t see your target in the atmosphere as easily, it really is harder if not unattainable to walk your fire on target. Rather, move slower and focus on taking shots with an increased chance of hitting and that means you don’t recklessly give your situation away.


At end I just want to say that by following the above mention techniques you can easily beat your opponent team in the paintball field. All you need is to practicing this technique before the game start so you must have experienced these things prior to facing in the actual game. In night game you must be preplanned for these techniques because you don’t have time to change the strategy as you can change in the day. So make practice and plan this in your next paintball game.

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  1. DonaldFruro June 29, 2024
  2. Stephendom June 29, 2024
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  8. CharlesAdons July 20, 2024
  9. Michaelbop July 20, 2024
  10. DavidHiB July 20, 2024
  11. CharlesAdons July 20, 2024
  12. DavidHiB July 20, 2024
  13. Michaelbop July 20, 2024
  14. Edwardwoorn July 21, 2024
  15. DavidHiB July 21, 2024
  16. CharlesAdons July 21, 2024
  17. Michaelbop July 21, 2024
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  35. JamesMob July 24, 2024

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